Have you always wanted to learn to bake sourdough bread? Now’s your chance. Registration is open!

There are so many books, youTube videos and Instagram photos out there about sourdough bread baking. It can be confusing and time consuming figuring out where to look! 

Sourdough bread baking can especially seem intimidating, but it is essentially simple in nature. 

With guidance and support and straightforward instruction, baking the loaf of your dreams can become a reality!

Why Learn to Bake Sourdough Bread?

  • The flavour and texture is second to none!

  • It is deeply satisfying and fun.

  • Know what's in your bread, by taking control of your ingredients

  • Your digestion will thank you when you ditch grocery store bread!

The Sourdough Simplified Bundle is a self paced course that teaches you everything you need to know about baking sourdough bread!

Sourdough bread baking is a complex yet simple process that I break down for you in 

simple to watch and follow video clips  

that you get to keep forever!

Six modules with short video clips covering every step of the way, plus the last module with Ebooks +supporting material:

Module 1: Starting Out

1.1 What is Sourdough?

1.2 Choosing Your Ingredients

1.3 Tools of the Trade

Module 2: Your Sourdough Starter

2.1 What your starter does

2.2 Rehydrating your dried starter

2.3 Taking care of your starter

2.4 Getting to know your starter

Module 4: Proofing to Baking

4.1 Proofing & Choosing Retarding vs. Ambient Baking

4.2 Scoring and Baking Your Bread

4.3 Eating and storing your bread!

Module 5: Sourdough Pizza

5.1 Intro

5.2 Mixing the Levain

5.3 Mixing the Dough

5.4 Adding Salt & Stretch & Folds

5.5 Shaping & Refrigeration

5.6 Toppings and Baking

Module 6 : Sourdough Focaccia

6.1 Intro

6.2 Mixing the Levain

6.3 Mixing the Dough

6.4 Adding Salt & Stretch & Folds

6.5 Option to Refrigerate

6.6 Topping and Prepping for Baking

6.7 Baking!
Module 7

Ebooks + Supporting Documents

Extra Support!

  • Sourdough Focaccia & Pizza Dough!

    You will also learn how to make sourdough focaccia and pizza dough. These are two versatile recipes to add to your repertoire once you've got your loaf down!

  • Facebook Group

    Join our course facebook group to receive support from me and to share your baking successes and setbacks. Immediate feedback allows you to tweak what you did in this bake before you move onto the next!

  • Dehydrated Sourdough Starter

    With your registration, I will ship you a packet of my very own sourdough starter (that I started over ten years ago). You will learn how to rehydrate it in the course. This starter is the foundation of sourdough bread baking and it will JUMPSTART your progress because you won't need to take 2 weeks to start your own. In 3-4 days you will be ready to start baking!

Pricing options

You can now pay for Sourdough Simplified in three different ways!

Introducing Your Instructor!

Hey! I'm Heather. I run Heather's Hearth an on-farm/online sourdough school and wood-fired home bakery. I've been baking sourdough bread for over ten years-it all started while I was working at a back country lodge in British Columbia, Canada where I was working as a cook. After that first experience learning sourdough I was hooked! It took me lots of experimenting to get to where I am now. My passion is to pass sourdough bread baking skills on to other home bakers and shorten the amount of time it takes you to bake your dream loaf!

Heather MacMillan

Sourdough Instructor

Watch Intro Video

Welcome to Sourdough Simplified!

Kind Words

“I have only made bread before using a bread machine so I was really suprised at how compelling it was to dig my hands into the dough and feel the connection to the life and tension that was contained within the moist mass of fresh dough. Heather's videos were simple to follow and full of good information besides being very well filmed. I liked the written charts that followed so you could quickly find the information you needed in the summaries. And voila, the finished bread looked beautiful and tasted delicious. I was very proud!!”

Sourdough Simplified Graduate

Joan P.

“I really enjoyed taking Sourdough Simplified on-line. Even though I am a novice baker, Heather's instructions and on-line videos were easy to follow and I was really pleased with how my bread turned out (so was my family). The sourdough pizza recipe was a similar hit! I appreciated being able to watch the videos as many times as I needed in order to get the folding techniques down. I highly recommend this course!”

Sourdough Simplified Graduate

Heather O.


  • Do I get to keep the videos after the course is over?

    Yes! You will have access to the course forever.

  • How long is the course?

    The recommended time frame is 4-6 weeks, but you can take as long or as little time as you want!

  • Is this course for a beginner baker?

    Yes! This course is for someone who has never baked any bread before, for someone who has baked yeasted bread but not sourdough and even for someone who has tried sourdough bread out before with less success than desired. This is not an intermediate course.

  • What kind of bread are we making? Will we learn other techniques like baguettes?

    You will learn to bake a classic sourdough, focaccia and pizza dough. This course focuses first and foremost on what I believe to be the basics and foundation of sourdough. Learning the basics is essential before moving on to other more difficult breads. Focaccia and pizza dough are a great addition once you have your sourdough loaf down!

  • Do I have to make my own sourdough starter?

    No! You will be receiving a dehydrated sourdough starter in the mail directly from me. You will learn how to get it going in the course.

  • Will we learn how to bake whole grain sourdough bread?

    Not exactly. This course is focused on a classic white sourdough. I do have instructions in the course on how to start adding small amounts of whole grain flour into your bread as you become more comfortable with the process. Don't worry-whole grains are one of my passions-there will be a whole grain course in the future! I highly recommend you learn the basics in Sourdough Simplified before getting into whole grains. The skill level of whole grain baking is much higher than white sourdough.

Get the course now for $180

Time to Get Baking!

Enroll Now

This course is for you if:

  • You have never baked bread before but have always wanted to!

  • You have baked yeasted bread before and have always wanted to give sourdough bread baking a go!

  • You’ve attempted sourdough bread baking before with less success than you hoped for!

There is space here for all of you. 

In this busy life we live, sourdough allows us to slow down and connect with something bigger than us! It connects us to the food we eat, the farmer who grew the grain, our neighbour we gift a loaf to, the microbes that populate our world and a greater sense of history.

Baking sourdough and sharing it with my family has been one of the greatest pleasures of my life. And the benefits of eating homemade sourdough bread rather than grocery store fluff makes me feel like I'm giving my son a better life.